George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are apparently trying to convince Tom Stoppard to write the script for the forthcoming fourth coming of Indiana Jones (that was the dog’s name). There’s something to look forward to in the theaters after the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
Info and link were egregiously pilfered from dvg who shamelessly ripped off Brad.
Unrelated note: I updated my About Spike area to include some boring technical information about this site. I also added an area to the sidebar curiously called “Features,” to leave some room for future expansion.
yay! boring technical information rocks!
Wow. If Tom Stoppard really does write the script, that’ll be AWESOME. Although, I don’t know how Stoppard is at writing action scenes, but still, the dialogue will be great!
Tom Stoppard is cool. I too am curious, though, about how he’d be writing an action script. Clever/witty dialogue is really his thing. True, the Indiana Jones movies do emphasize that aspect… it would be interesting