Spike’s 2005 Plan of Action

Here are my goals and plans for 2005. Just to clarify the difference between goals and plans, goals are the intangible ideals and plans are general actions to reach those goals. Tasks would be the third level, but I don’t need to go into those specifics here, although I should write them out for myself. Everything below is ranked in order of importance at the moment, but some plans are contingent on others in different categories.

I’ll probably revise the list later on, but this is a good starting point. This is a technique I picked up at a previous employer in a previous life.

  1. Goal: Improve My Living Situation
    1. Determine where I want to live.
    2. Move there, having enough money to buy.
    3. Determine whether to buy a place big enough to rent out a portion.
    4. Improve my body health.
  2. Goal: Improve My Working Situation
    1. Continue working on my MBA.
    2. Consider law school (copyright law?).
    3. Find a new job.
  3. Goal: Improve My Emotional Situation
    1. Do only the things that, when looking back ten years from now, would make me proud of myself.
    2. Reconcile with my past.

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