I escaped from the perils of Connecticut early. Attendance at the conference was light, so we decided to pack up and head home, instead of waste money on another night at the hotel. So, I’m home, at least for tonight. Maybe it will give me some time to think. I don’t want to look for an apartment. I don’t want to move to north Jersey. I don’t like north Jersey; I don’t want to live somewhere that I don’t like.
Time’s starting to run out, too. I wouldn’t move to north jersey, if I were you (all selfishness aside). I think you’d be happier if you didn’t. But you need to take some serious time to go look for a place…even if you have to take a day or two off.
Hi Spike! Am I doing this right? Thanks for the birthday greetings, I hope your enjoying your milan kundera books! ok, don’t move anywhere you don’t want to, that would be a big mistake — listen to that inner voice. i looked over your past notes, the funniest thing i saw was your comment about calling information for seattle and asking for the phone number for starbucks! Of course i’ve only read through february, i’m sure i’d get a kick out of much more! Have a happy Passover tonite and in Lancaster, enjoy the matzoh shoo fly pie. Love Mom
Wow! Spike’s Mom! Hi, Shari!!!!