Some Better, Some Not

When I woke up this morning, I had a feeling that staying in bed would have been the ebst option for the day. I should learn to trust my instincts.

Now, nothing necessarily “bad” happened today, I’ve just been a bit grumpy. And I hate being grumpy, so being grumpy just makes me grumpier. There’s probably a hint of self-fulfilling prophecy involved, too.

Entry #2038

It has been six years since I’ve had so much drum corps in one weekend. I was able to take some gratis time off from work on Friday, so I snuck out a few hours early and drove to Allentown for part one of the DCI East Championships. Although I went by myself, it didn’t take long for me to run into old friends and talkative strangers.

I took Amy with me back to Allentown on Saturday for part two of the Championships. It wasn’t her first drum corps show — we had gone last summer to a local show — but I was happy she found a couple of things to enjoy about it. I’m just working on accepting that it’s not her thing. We followed the show with some ice cream from the Friendly’s in town.

Despite this, I had earlier volunteered her to help out at Sunday’s show at Giants Stadium. Well, at least she doesn’t completely hate me right now. I think there were times she actually enjoyed parts of the show. Afterwards, we stopped for dinner at a local generic Friday’s-type restaurant (the organization we volunteered for isn’t the best when it comes to feeding volunteers, but that’s all right).

Now, all of my attention will be on our upcoming trip to Williamsburg… until tomorrow, when my next class begins and I have to split my attention yet again.

The Amazing Bloggertwins Race

Cameron and Damien are identical twins who are trying to get cast on a television show called The Amazing Race. All I really know about the show is that Barb likes it a lot. But Cameron’s website, CamWorld, was one of the first blogs I ever noticed, before I knew that there were such things as weblogs. At the time, I was more concerned with plain old manually-updated websites. Cam’s archives go back to 1997, and even then they’re more “weblog” than “journal.” In 1997, people were doing journals. Now, of course, many of the weblogs have become journals.

Anyway… I should get some sleep.

Check him out and spread the word; he and his brother would make a good team.

Something Wrong With My Subconscious

I know I’m consciously strange, but it’s good to know that I’m a weirdo on a subconscious level, too. I dreamed last night I was trying to impress someone. I believed it would be prudent to count to ten in Latin and talk about how I “studied” Latin and Greek in seventh grade. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much else in the dream, but I don’t believe the person was impressed as I had hoped.

Looking Forward

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern about my eye. It seems to be healing quickly with the help of prescription goop. Who knew? At least I didn’t have to wear a patch or anything silly like that.

Now I’m looking forward to next weekend and its vacation to Williamsburg, Virginia. Amy and I will be touring Colonial Williamsburg, visiting some haunted houses thanks to some tips from Doobie, going to Busch Gardens, and experiencing many other fun things as we come across them. (If anyone’s familiar with the town, feel free to leave more suggestions.)

More good stuff: I cashed in my gift certificates that I received last year from my boss-type person and picked up Feist, The Mars Volta, Ben Folds and Paul Anka. All good, good stuff.

Why I Love Radio

A few months ago, I heard a song on WXPN and I thought out loud to my passenger, I like this song. I’d like to find out more about this artist. I wonder who she is.

I waited in the car until they mentioned the singer and the name of the song. It wasn’t long before her name completely vacated my mind. After some time, I forgot about the song all together.

Fast forward to a few days ago. Someone — a music critic — was discussing his ultimate summer compilation CD on NPR and this song was included. Now, I am able to remember: the group/person is called Feist.

I added her to my wish list.

Things and More Things

MySpace, a place for dolts.

I upgraded Movable Type across all the blogs, and there might be some spam as the new spamblocker learns how to deal with it.

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory earlier this weekend. It’s been a long time since I’ve read the book, but this seemed a little truer to the original than Willy Wonka, except for the ending.

Heights was a good movie about things that can only happen in New York City. Or perhaps, Amsterdam. Maybe Tokyo.

A new dude, working in my department at work, is starting in the office tomorrow. This will be fun. Also, it looks like they’re planning on hiring an assistant for the group. That should be quite helpful, though I still feel like this isn’t my calling.