Hooked on Speed

So last Friday these people came into my apartment and messed around with my computer. They took out my old network card. Luckily, they put a new one in and brought a cable modem with them. So although my computer still crawls at 100 MHz or something like that, at least my internet connection is faster. It reminds me of the good old days, when I bought my superfast 2400 baud modem for my IBM-PC Compatible 8088 thingy.

Luck or the Lack Thereof

Okay — so now I’ve figured out why I usually have bad luck with the ladies: it’s those damn forwards. For as long as I’ve had an email address, and now an ICQ number, I’ve received those chain letters and such which say, “Pass this on to ten people, or suffer bad luck in love for ten years.” If I had just listened…


Well, I’ve done it again! Redesigned the site for a new, sleeker look. In the last few days I also put an about this site page up, which includes your general information, awards, and web rings. Don’t forget to answer this question before you leave

You may be thinking that, since all these Thoughts are about updates to my web page, this is all I think about. Not true. Lately I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with my life, what I want to do this summer, and what I want to do for the next three weeks. As it turns out, I’ve decided on one of these things: This summer I will be going on tour [DELETED].

New Web Features

For a little bit of user interactivity, I created nice additions to my web page. Though the idea can be found elsewhere, I hope you enjoy my version of it. Take a look at my question and answer session [DEFUNCT]. If you’re interested in dating me, just fill out this simple application form [DEFUNCT], and he’ll get back to you.

New Web Site Design

Well, I’ve launched the new design for my personal web page. Hope you enjoy it! The new design looks nice with Netscape, but much better with Internet Explorer. Most of the links should work. My Professional Site will be up shortly.

Web Page Addition

If you were wondering what it would sound like if I took one of my web pages, translated into German, then back into English again, take a look at this page. I was hoping to be able to use Chinese instead of German, but this should do.

My New Favorite Group

This past Saturday, I went to a Moxy Früvous concert at the Trocadero in Philadelphia. It was the most fun I’ve ever had at a concert. They have quickly replaced They Might Be Giants as my favorite music group. They have great voices, interesting songs, and have an exciting stage presence and rapport with the audience. They’re innovative and often improvise new songs on the spot. The show as very entertaining to watch. You must see a concert of theirs if you consider yourself a fan of good music. Check their web page for current tour dates.

A New Computer

I am in a desperate need of a new computer. Unfortunately, I cannot afford what I want at this time. Therefore, I will be accepting donations — both monetary and a new computer if you desire. The system I’m looking for has a Pentium II motherboard with AGP, a fast, large hard drive for audio and graphics editing work, 128 Mb of RAM, CD-R and CD-ROM drives, a Creative SoundBlaster Live audio card, and a 2D/3D graphics card. No modem is necessary. You can find my address for sending your donation on my personal page. If you choose to send a computer, I will certainly pay for shipping! Otherwise, I will accept cash or checks.

The Beginning of Recent Thoughts

This will be the place I put any interesting Thoughts that happen to pop into my head. Lately it seems as if this does not happen quite as often as it used to. Is it due to the lacadaisy which has inflicted me? Who knows. Maybe this little project will help to inspire a Thought. Is lacadaisy a word? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more Recent Thoughts as time progresses.