So, I’m looking for better

So, I’m looking for better way to fall asleep. Anyone have alcohol-free, drug-free suggestions? Please? I’ve tried relaxation techniques, sound machines, special scented pillow spray, reading, and everything else I could think of… I lie in bed from one to three hours before I fall asleep. It’s not a good thing, and I’m not so happy in the morning.

Take a look at this.

Take a look at this. Zannah has decided to run a contest where you give her your name, and if you have an online wish-list, and if she picks your name randomly, she’ll pick something and buy it for you! Is this girl generous or what? I wish I still had my wish-list online. Go to her page and enter the contest…! (If you want.)

Well, happy birthday to me.

Well, happy birthday to me. My good friend Bryan went bowling with me today. Although I pretty much sucked, it was fun. Where was Darren you ask? I’m not sure. The earlier part of the weekend was spent at Alissa’s house. Dinners, movies, cakes, lots of talking. You know the deal.