Email Frustration

They’re upgrading our Exchange Server at work. Apparently who ever is doing the work misread the invoice. He thought it said “breaking” instead of “upgrading.” So we have no e-mail and most of our business at a very crucial time (with an event coming up next weekend) has screamed to silence.

Age Frustration

I’m leaving for Florida on Thursday morning, and I wanted to rent a car in advance. I went to Alamo, and they charged me $20 extra per day because I’m 24 and not 25 or older. The only thing is, most places won’t even rent to people under 25 years of age. I’m sure they wouldn’t think twice to renting a car to a 90-year old that hasn’t had a road test in seventy-five years.

Long Day

Today started out in the morning. I woke up at Alissa’s and drove to work. However, when I was driving, I felt the way I did this past summer. I felt as if I had been driving since eleven o’clock p.m. and it now was eleven o’clock a.m. I felt as if I was driving all night with no more than a few stops. I only had to do that two or three times this past summer while I was [DELETED].

I got to work and the day went by very quickly since there was so much to do. My boss is out of the office and in the hospital with some sort of infection. Basically this means double the work for me. Plus we had that wine tasting event for which I left work at 4:30.

The wine tasting event turned out to be pretty cool. I was sort of not looking forward to it initially because it was an event our Board of Directors put together and then just expected the office staff to work and serve wine without knowing anything about the wine. Usually when you go to these things, they have a wine conniseur to pour and talk about the wines. I ain’t no wine conniseur (and neither is anyone else in the office).

But we got there, and there were some people there to help us out with the pouring of the wine, so it turned out to be not bad at all. I did get to taste some nice drinks but of course I don’t remember what any of them were. I did take home one bottle of a Merlot. It wasn’t my favorite, but once the event was over, it was one of the only bottles left.

I am much tired now… so good night.

Should Be Interesting

I’m about ready to head on over to the wine tasting event being hosted by our Board of Directors. Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not actually going to get to taste any of the wine — the Board has gotten the office staff (well, some of us, anyway) to be the servers. Usually this type of job is reserved for people who actually know something about wines. I don’t. None of us do. It’s going to be a little entertaining tonight.

Taster: Sniffs the cork, takes a sip
Taster: So what kind of wine is this?
Me: Looks at the glass, holds it up to the light
Me: Ahh… red.


For those curious, my “personality type” is XNFP. X means I’m split between introverted and extroverted. The rest means I’m intuituve, feeling and perceptive. I’ve taken various tests with the same results various times over the past five years. So I guess it must be kind of accurate.

IT’S RAINING! Now listening to

Now listening to the soundtrack to Gladiator (the movie). Nice. Good work, Hans Zimmer. I knew you had it in you. :>

Today I went to a mini Rennaisance Fair(e) at Mercer County Park. It really doesn’t compare to the Pennsylvania Ren Faire I went to a few years ago, but there were some interesting goods for sale and a mildly entertaining joust. It’s always interesting to see the people who dress up for these events and how they manage to get into the whole Rennasaince idea so deeply.

UGH So, I’m still listening

So, I’m still listening to the Gladiator soundtrack… and on comes track 13. Oh boy. You thought John Williams ripped off Holst’s Mars (from The Planets) for Star Wars? This track really gives the world plagiarism a whole new meaning!

Still a great soundtrack otherwise.