Get Me Out Of Here!

Another crazy day of work today. Yep, still here, and will be for at least a few more hours. [DELETED]

Maybe some Orange Chicken from the Chinese place will help me calm down and stop sweating so much. But I doubt it. (You know, the spices and all…)

SOLD! Sold to the highest

Sold to the highest (and only) bidder: Forlaetan. This familiar lady will be the proud owner of my 130-tape video collection of Doctor Who episodes! And she’ll even come pick up the videos herself! I’m truly excited about this.

I worked long, late hours today. Afterwards, I went to my father’s new place in Jersey City for some spaghetti and Shawshank Redemption. (Good movie.)


I just don’t have room to keep this stuff anymore. Plus I never watch or read them.

For sale to the highest bidder:

? Every episode of Doctor Who released in the United States (and some not released) in VHS format over about 150 video cassettes. Many were recorded in very good quality “SP” mode.

? A collection of over 100 Doctor Who novelizations and other books. All in excellent condition.


I wish I had more skills as a writer. I’ve thought about being able to write about my experiences more interestingly and eloquently. Forlaetan seems to be able to do this without any effort. Of course, she also seems to have more interesting stories to tell than I have. My interesting event for the day:

I saw the season finale of Buffy tonight. I thought it was very well done and it even had aspects of my own dreams represented. After Buffy, I stuck around for the season finale of Angel. That program actually interested me tonight.

Hello Kitty?

Does anyone want a kitty? Alissa’s roommate Linda is allergic to Alissa’s cat Tyler. Tyler has is about eight years old and has been neutered. He’s an orange-beige long-haired cat, maybe part Persian. He likes paper bags, plastic bags and boxes. Here’s a cute picture of him.
