For some reason, track four on the Gladiator movie soundtrack is really affecting me. There needs to be more good film soundtracks out there. I’d like to write some. Anyone doing a film? I’d love to do your soundtrack.
Stacey’s Birthday
They say this place is like Chuck E. Cheese’s for adults. That’s where we’re going Friday night for Stacey’s birthday (which is actually on June 4th).
So, let’s take a look at what I completed tonight. Got tickets? Yep. Cleaned? Somewhat. [DELETED] Worked on Yep, Darren came to visit and we made a few changed. Progress is still slow. It’s 12:30 a.m. and I haven’t gotten to the Levin/Shanken-Kaye website yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Lopped Off?
I’m sure glad I don’t live in Antarctica! [DELETED]
Things To Do Today
Work; get tickets to the Appel Farm Festival in Elmer, NJ; clean; [DELETED]; work on; work on the ****** website; sleep.
WHAT A WEEKEND! The weekend
The weekend is finally over and the stress can subside for a while. Although some students never showed up, Saturday’s rehearsal showed that we were going to still have two great ensembles. The kids really enjoyed working with their conductors and the conductors enjoyed working with their kids. Sunday’s concert was fantastic, and seemed to run smoothly, even from back stage.
I finally got to hear The Cadets for the first time this weekend, too. They have all new instruments this year. They really sounded wonderful. It’s going to be a great season for them, and as well as for the Crossmen.
Published in Hardcover
Published in Hardcover. An earlier incarnation of this web site has been featured (well… mentioned) in a new text book, Writing on the Internet: Finding Your Voice Online, by Marcia Peoples Halio, a professor at the University of Delaware. Here’s a shout-out to those of you who found this site through that text!
Have A Nice Weekend
I will probably be away from blogging for the weekend. So have a good one! This event just might turnout okay. You can still wish me luck if you like!
First of all, what am I doing up this late? I have packing to do for this weekend. With the concert on Sunday, I’m staying in a hotel up in North Jersey. Here’s a picture of Tyler getting fur all over my bed. He will be gone tomorrow. He will be heading back to Alissa’s father’s house.