Imagine my surprise when I saw someone visited my site from a referral on this weblog. Its author thanked me for giving her the idea for “linksculpting.” You’re welcome, I think. I actually know her from University of Delaware. Well, I really only know her sister.
JAMES BROWN Every once in
Every once in a while, there’s a day that I just feel really good about myself. Today is one of those days. I’m not exactly sure why. But it’s a good day. Let’s just hope my drive home doesn’t taint my attitude.
BIG BROTHER It’s ironic that
It’s ironic that CBS, the television station whose symbol is the eye, is running a program called Big Brother. I’ve been watching it, and it does sound interesting though. Maybe. I’ll have to see.
I have a very long commute. There’s no convenient public transportation that would be able to take me to where I need to go, so I must rely on my car. I don’t get paid a heck of a lot by working for a non-profit organization. Any changes if gasoline prices affect me greatly. Now it looks like these prices aren’t going down for a long while, in fact, there may not be enough crude oil to keep me warm when winter comes around. I think it’s time to look into alternative heating and fuel sources. They say we’re living in the future, but I don’t see it when it comes to the things that count.
And The Children Let Go Of Their Balloons and Flew Away
Last night I went to see fireworks in Quakertown, Pennsylvania with Alissa, Linda and Angie. We drove into town but the amount of traffic was preventing us from getting to the park in time for the show. So we pulled in to the property of a house downtown which appeared to have a parking lot in its back yard. So we pulled out the blanket, placed it on the pavement, and sat down. It ended up being a pretty good show.
It had been a long time since I had seen new fireworks. I was used to your typical ones, even the ones that change color. I had seen all the shapes before, including hearts, the planet Saturn and five-pointed starts. I had always liked the ones that when they explode, spiral downwards and have that shreiking noise. But last night I saw ones that split into a million sparkling gold bits, then exploded with color, then split into a million more sparkling bits and exploded with color again. Very cool.
GRR A had just written
A had just written a rather lengthy entry about yesterday but then my boss walked in and asked me to open up Outlook and it froze my computer. I’ll have to try it again soon.
And The People Came Around On Independence Day
So here I am at work, on a day that most people are at home. Wonderful. In any case, [DELETED]. However, I did get to go out last night with some friends to see the fireworks. I’m finding myself not so impressed by the displays anymore, but it was nice to just relax with my friends. Afterwards we (except for Randi and the other Stacey) headed back to Stacey’s and Jenn’s to see the Robin Williams movie, Bicentennial Man. A little long and a little depressing.
I’m testing a new streaming web cam. If I’m around, you may see it in the corner over there. Live video beats out 60-second updates any day.
CONFUSED? For those of you
For those of you who didn’t get this, Bryan was referring to Leonard Bernstein’s Mass. Lenny has created some wonderful music within this piece (and some not-so-wonderful music, but you take the good with the bad).
TRIBUTE SONG There’s this one
There’s this one bird outside my apartment that always sings at night. From the moment I get home until the second I leave for work. Sure, the bird probably sings when I’m not around, too. But this bird will keep me up at night with its annoying chirping. So I decided to come up with this song. Actually the bird outside didn’t have anything to do with me writing the song, but it seemed like a nice segue. The song is called Cirrus Minority. Note the Pink Floyd reference.