I’m back from my weekend

I’m back from my weekend in Maryland. We arrived home very early this morning, around 4:00 am. What a fastantic weekend. The weather was beautiful, even if a little hot. The shows were fantastic, and maybe you saw the broadcast live on PBS. At the finals competition, for the second year in a row, there was a tie. You could tell the fans were not happy with the outcme, but the good news is both The Cadets and the Cavaliers are now World Champions.

Bryan and I went into the weekend without a place to sleep Friday night. That was probably a little unwise, but I guess I really wasn’t expecting to go down until Saturday in the first place. It turns out all the hotels in the area were sold out, so we had to drive a little bit in order to find a place that had something available.

During some down time, I started reading the first Harry Potter book, just to see what all the fuss is about.

Tomorrow, after getting my hair

Tomorrow, after getting my hair cut, I will be off to DC. Well, not exactly DC. I will be going (and taking Bryan with me) to College Park, MD to see Drum Corps International‘s semi-finals and finals. Therefore I’ll be gone until late Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon, depending on if we feel like coming back late Saturday night. I know you’ll miss me. You can email me and tell me how much you are missing me.

Sunday night, as you may

Sunday night, as you may have read, was a drum corps show at Giants Stadium. [DELETED] it’s always a rather neat feeling to have access to go wherever you want, especially at a major venue you see on television all the time (well, if you watch sports).

So I’ve got a question.

So I’ve got a question. Why does my webcam sometimes send blank, black pictures? It seems to be working, but what’s uploaded is a black frame. If someone is familiar with this and can tell me how to fix it, please email me. Thanks!

Today’s plan. Work. Finish work.

Today’s plan. Work. Finish work. Wait until after six o’clock. Go to my father’s apartment for dinner. Eat. Go home. Maybe jog if I’m not too tried. Find out if the VCR taped Blast! this weekend. If so, watch it. Update some websites, including Alissa‘s, Joglog and maybe some others. Eat some more. Sleep.

Here it is, Monday, and

Here it is, Monday, and already I feel like I’ve been working the past seven days. Ah, but there is a reason for that. Drum corps shows in Allentown and Giants Stadium kept me busy all weekend.

Yesterday I drove a Jeep Grand Cherokee which was given to us for the day from a car dealer that wanted some advertising. It was fun to drive, that’s for sure.

Dinner and a movie last

Dinner and a movie last night: Ghostbusters with Hungarian (Sumerian?) Zuulash. There were a couple of little things in the movie I noticed that I didn’t notice when I was 8 years old… basically the sex jokes. Plus I have a much better perception of Central Park now than I did when I saw the movie last.

The suggestions I’ve made for next week’s dinner and movie are Labyrinth and Lola rennt (Run Lola Run). Anyone have food ideas?