Okay, so humor me for a few minutes. Like you, I want to fix this country. Bush isn’t going to do it, and neither is Kerry. The best chance of long term success probably has something to do with this: First, let Bush take the presidency for another four years. (I can’t believe I’m suggesting this.) After that, the Bush administration will not be looking at re-election. They will use that opportunity to move the country even further to the right. Since neither he nor Cheney will be running for re-election in 2008, the administration will abandon even the moderates and centrists, appoint their right-wing Justices, and push their crazy, totalitarian regime.
In response, more liberal organizations, like MoveOn.org, are going to pop up, with huge donors, overshadowing everything the Republicans have done to control their message through media. Like donors shaped the Republican message, these donors will shape the new message of the Democratic party… or overtake the old Democratic party with something entirely new.
Right now, there is nothing in the Democratic message to get excited about. Over the next four years of a Bush presidency, Americans will get entirely fed up with the Republican government, and there will be a huge swing leftward in 2008. So it’s scary to say it, but having Bush in office may be the best thing for this country over the long term. He will push the country so far to the right, the citizens finally gets excited about issues, resulting in a rebellion of donations intended for the New Democrats. But understand this, even though this possibility has been going through my mind after watching the speakers at the Democratic Convention tonight, there’s no way in hell I’m going to vote for that ass, George W. Bush.
So here it is, my prediction, and when I check my website archives in 2008, I’ll know if I am correct, or if I’m just a lunatic tonight. If this doesn’t play out, and Kerry is elected this year, I’m just not convinced that several years down the road this country will have a strong interest in peace, good environmental, economical and individual health, excellent cultural education for all, and a society that welcomes scientific and medical advances. We need a revolution and the country isn’t far enough to the right for one to occur yet.