As you know, I’ve held off on discussing politics on here for some time now, but it’s time to come back to the most important issue. I know that most of my readers are good citizens so I’m preaching mostly to the choir, but please make sure you do one thing tomorrow: vote.
Even if you don’t believe we have the most stellar options, and even if you’re not happy with some of each of the candidates’ pasts, we have two individuals neck-and-neck and voter turnout is what is going to shape the course of the country and the world for the next four years.
Still undecided? Think the two candidates are two sides of the same coin? Well, they agree on one thing, and that’s that the war in Iraq has to be finished in some manner. Fine. But on almost every other issue they are polar opposites. Consider that the next president will likely appoint between one and four Supreme Court justices. Think about your values and which individual most closely represents your values. I’ll spell it out for you.
If you want tax breaks for the big corporation you work for, then Bush is your man. If you want the top 1% of income earners (who mostly earn their income from their investments and not from any actual work) to have a more fair share when it comes to paying for the services the government should supply to all citizens, then Kerry is your guy. If you believe that even when the life of a woman is in danger, or after she is raped, she should not have any option of terminating the pregnancy, then Bush is your guy. If you believe that a woman has the right to choose to protect her body and can make decisions for herself with guidance from doctors, then Kerry is your man. If you believe church and state should be separate, that empirical reality is truth (or the path to the truth) and faith-based “reality” leads us back to pre-Enlightenment times, then Kerry is the guy you vote for.
The only explanation for anyone who is undecided is either they don’t know what their own values are or they just don’t have the mental capacity to contemplate the differences between the two main candidates.
Will the world be better off four years from now if one guy is president instead of the other? That’s impossible to say. But you have to start by taking the path that is best. The only way to do this is to vote.