
Here’s a little bit of high school nostalgia. My fall play performed at my high school during my junior year was The Good Doctor by Neil Simon. The play is a collection of short scenes, each telling a different, unrelated story. Here you can view Bryan perform in The Seducer and me perform in The Drowned Man.

Tomorrow I’ll also put up The Sneeze so you can see M-D in the funniest scene of the play.

I would upload the scene called The Arrangement so you can see Darren’s paternal tendencies as they were early on, but unfortunately the video tape was not long enough to record the entire scene. The files are all QuickTime movie files, optimized for streaming on a 100 kbps connection. You can also save the files to your hard drive rather than stream.

You should also take note of Kelly Hutchinson who appears in The Seducer. You may know her from such films as Catch Me If You Can, TV shows as Strangers With Candy and Law and Order: SVU, and the Broadway stage in various roles.

UPDATE: This just in! See M-D get soaked in The Sneeze!

Researching a New Path

I just ordered The Official LSAT SuperPrep from I’ve been thinking about law school for a few years, but I’m going to look into it more seriously in the next few months. Going to law school is something that would definitely benefit me as a human being, but would I enjoy it? I’m not sure yet. It’s going to be a hell of a lot of work, especially if I maintain a job at the same time. I believe I’m more than capable, and it would be good for me to be in an environment where I really have to work hard.

Sleep (Re-) Cycle

It’s only 10:15pm but it feels like 4:00am. This probably has something to do with the fact I went to bed last night around 9:00pm and woke up this morning, initially, sans alarm(s), at 4:30am, and felt ready for the day. What is happening to me? I must be getting old. I would be in bed already if it weren’t for the fact I have only a vague idea of how I’ll be teaching my Intro to Music Theory class tomorrow. I gave them a test today — a listening exam (intervals and chord quality identification) — and I’ve been scared to grade the papers because I know they didn’t do well at all. We’re moving on to note length values, with the hope of eventually learning to read rhythms.

Secret Societies

I’ve been invited back to my alma mater for a weekend-long celebration commemorating the tenth anniversary of my fraternity chapter’s founding. I’m condering going if I’m not overwhelmed with my new job.

Website Thoughts

Next week, I’ll be starting a new job which will put me in a situation where I’m interacting with curious, intelligent students. There is a slight possibility that someone, working really hard, can find this website armed only with my name. I’ve done a really good job at avoiding it, but a very resourceful person can still find a way. So, I’m considering stopping my online journal/blog. I’d really rather not, but I don’t want to take any chances. Becca suggested I protect the site with a password and give it out to people but I know there are people who won’t ask for the password and there are random passersby who won’t stop to be interested if they can’t read anything right away. Any suggestions?

It’s possible that I don’t need to worry about the blog/journal and that I should be more concerned about the baby and high school photos. If anyone has thoughts, I’d be glad to hear them.

Moving On Again

The grade I got for my law class was neither better nor worse than what I expected. I start a marketing management class tomorrow. This should be interesting.

Sugarmama makes an excellent case for investing while you’re still young. Excellent advice, well written. Take heed! I’m currently maxing out my Roth IRA, I’m contributing enough to my 401k to get my company to match what I put in, and I’m saving money besides. I avoid all service fees possible. I pay no interest charges. I still need to do much more. I’ll increase my 401k contribution, I’ll divert more to savings so I have less money to play with and waste, and some time this year I’ll find a way to use real estate to invest that I feel comfortable with.

More news: I put together a new photograph gallery and added some recently-scanned pictures from a hiking trip I took in 2001 and from high school.

Sigh of Relief

I’m finally finished with my Business Law class. It seemed to go on forever due to the two vacations within, making the class take nine weeks, start to finish, instead of six. I probably didn’t get an A, but I guess my 4.0 couldn’t last forever.

Got That Over With

Last night I finished my second course with the MBA program. I am surprising myself with my ability to write halfway-decent papers in short periods of time. I know they’re not huge research papers where I have to spend hours in a library just looking for information; our information is easily found online. But even still, when I sit down to write, once the words start coming (that’s the hard part), they just keep flowing. So in celebration of finishing this class, I think I will go to bed early tonight.

Random Seed

My class is unceremoniously trudging along. I’m not particularly enjoying this one course. The professor seems to “teach” in absentia, if at all. One particular classmate on my learning team is annoyingly liverish. I’m halfway through now so I’m already looking forward to the end. Once this course is complete, I will have a week without anything, and then my next class will start up. It sounds interesting: “Legal Environment of Business” or something like that. Maybe I’ll find out that half the practices at my last job were illegal and I can sue them.

I think I’m ready. I’d like a new job. I’m just not getting as much out of this job as I hoped. The only thing that kept me here is the fact that I have access to people very high up in the company, and that’s supposed to help me somehow. Networking, that whole bit. But I’m just not terribly interested. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good job, but I think I could be doing something more worthwhile. I check the internal job listings very frequently, and there is very little change. People are still not hiring. At this point, I’m ready to move anywhere in the world if I feel it would be better and the job were worthwhile.

It looks like I may have two new web design gigs. I’ll be putting together proposals this weekend. I haven’t done much of this lately, and my effortless redesigns of this weblog/journal have been crappy, so it’ll be nice to see what I can do when I have someone else interested in the project and therefore be forced to create something decent.

In other news, Governor-Elect Rainier “McBain” Wolfcastle (of the state Springfield is in) joins forces with Governor-Elect Arnold Schwartzenegger in promising to shake the hand of every person they meet.