Yeesh, Exhausted

It’s time to take a step back. Almost every minute I’ve spent online in the last few days—and that’s quite a few minutes—has been spent working on this new project. If you read my other site, you’ve heard about it. I won’t discuss it in detail here, but I want to get the site to a point where I can invite others to begin visiting and adding information. Hopefully, I will reach that point by next Monday, an arbitrary deadline I’ve set for myself. We’ll see how that works out, because I can’t continue to neglect other things, like laundry and deciding what to do with the next few months of my life.

I’m not even sure if this project will pay off. It has the potential, but for some reason things I do these days don’t seem to draw people in “mass” quantities like they used to.

Weekend Wrap-Up

First of all, some kind of terror threat has been issued specifically for the building in which I work—the building from which I am posting this message. They added some barriers around the building… and handed out a security bulletin that tells us to keep our wallets safe. I suppose if there are terrorists, they’re going to be roaming the office, looking for wallets and purses to steal.

So my weekend was awesome. Sparing you, the reader, all the nicer details, I had dinner in New York City, caught Avenue Q on Broadway, had dessert at the wonderful Ellen’s Stardust Diner, went to a Yankees game, where they beat the Orioles 2 to 1 (but I wasn’t sure who I should be rooting for), had dessert again—this time at Cafe Lalo on the Upper West Side (a location featured in the critically-acclaimed You’ve Got Mail), watched every installment of Celebrity Jeopardy from Satuday Night Live, drove to Connecticut where I toured a little bit of New Haven, New London and Mystic (including the Custom House Maritime Museum), had the best lobster sandwich ever, and drove home via Queens. There were a bunch of movies thrown in there, as well.

I suppose it’s time to resume to regular life… although I will still keep trying to have more great weekends. I’m happy Barb and Melodie visited, and I hope we can make more plans soon.

This whole “making the most of life” thing is very important to me, especially if the Department of Homeland Security (errr… I mean terrorists) is coming after me in my workplace.

Bring Out The Funk

I’m back in a funk again. I hate being in a funk. When I’m funky, I can’t sleep. When I don’t sleep, I can’t function right, and I can’t focus on important things like finding a new job and deciding what path my life should take. The funk is caused by these issues, though.

Exciting Times Ahead

I decided to catch up with an old friend from summer camp and attend an Eddie From Ohio concert at Joe’s Pub tonight. Tomorrow, I’m heading off to Orange County, California (by way of Los Angeles) to get away from New Jersey for a week. Shortly after arriving, Becca will be joining and the plan is to have some fun until she flies to Portland for Beth’s wedding.

I’ll be flying out from Philadelphia at 10:00 am tomorrow, and you can track my flight in real time and make sure I land safely. I’ll be returning next Thursday at 6:30 pm Eastern Time, and you can track that flight as well.

Are You Ready to Clean Up?

This test (source: g) determines how well the test taker is suited for cleaning up the garbage in his or her life. The website on which the test resides describes a program for reaching this goal, with the idea that by following their program an individual will see his score improve and will be more suited for attaining personal freedom. I scored a 63 out of 100, with a lowest score in the “physical environment” category.

Late Night Ruminations

I haven’t been feeling well, and my sleep schedule is screwed up again. It may be an improvement over the last few weeks, however. Previously, I was getting four hours of sleep every night. Now I’ve been taking naps after getting home from school, waking up and doing school work (grading papers, etc.) or taking care of other responsibilities (applying for jobs, etc.), sometimes going to evening rehearsals, and then maybe getting another three or four hours of sleep for a total of six to seven.

The school year is quickly coming to an end, and I’m trying to stay healthy for the few remaining days. It hasn’t been easy. I’m looking forward to going hiking this weekend with Amy, finals being over next week, taking a break, going back to work at my old place for some money over the summer, going away to California with Becca, and figuring out what road to travel. Exciting times are ahead. Now if I could only be less stuffed-up, my life would be nearly complete. I’m running out of tissues.

Still Here

Today, I extended the lease at my current apartment by three additional months. This should allow me some time so I’m not searching for an apartment at the same time I’m searching for a new teaching job. I also contacted my old employer where I’m still on the payroll; hopefully, they’ll have some more work for me to do over the summer. I know there are two projects they want me to work on, and hopefully that won’t be a problem.

I was looking forward to realizing the plan I’ve had in my mind for the last few months: buying a condo in the township where I am teaching and settling down a little. Apparently, it wasn’t meant to be. That’s alright, though. Everything will be sorted out soon, and I’ll just start working on a new plan.

I’ve been thinking I’d like to be closer to my family, but I’m not sure how to find jobs and stuff without being there first.