
Why am I so exhausted? I need to sleep, but this weekend I have to get ready for my trip to California. Work was busy this week… And almost all my time out of work was spent continuing to build the Mix CD Exchange. If only I could get paid for doing that stuff instead… :>

Moving On

I signed up for a MoveOn get-together this weekend. On Monday, I’m leaving for California for Thanksgiving. I have a new database project to work on at work. The Mix CD Exchange is gathering momentum. All in all, not bad. Now all I need is a new job and more money so I can afford to make it to the end of the year. :>

Good News, Everyone!

Who rocks the house? I do. Close to everything on my crashed 200GB hard drive is salvageable. It took some time to get it set up, including having to reinstall Windows on my newer 250GB drive, hacking the Registry to allow large hard drives before upgrading to WinXP SP2, using the DISKPART utility in conjunction with the Drive Manager console program, and trying my best not to give in during the entire process and just formatting the drive, losing a whole bunch of junk.

The good news is I saved the receipt for the crashed hard drive, and I spent an extra $20 for a two year extended warranty. I’m going to make the $20 worth it this weekend by taking the drive back and getting a replacement. That is, of course, after I’m done copying everything I can salvage from the old drive to the newer one.


I’ll admit I’m not very good at Texas Hold-Em, but if I can remember not to keep betting when I have a bad hand, I should be able to… maybe… win a hand at some point.

The weather in Baltimore for tomorrow (technically later today) looks like it’s going to be better than originally forecast. Rain early in the morning, before I get there, but then mostly sunny in the mid to high 70s. I was hoping I’d be able to meet up with someone or bring someone down with me for some company, but looks like that’s not to be this time.

I’ll be at Ravens Stadium from around noon until probably midnight. For most of that time I’ll be talking to the participating music teachers. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hi.

Full of Bitterness

I am full of bitterness this morning, and I don’t know why. Everything seems to be pissing me off. Here’s just one thing:

Websites that disable the use of the right mouse button. Instead of my context menu, when I click with the right mouse buttons on these sites, either I get nothing, or a cutesy little dialog box informing me that I’ve been a bad boy and I must keep my paws off. First of all, who are you to say that I can’t use my right mouse button to move back and forth between pages within a website? Is it because you think I’m going to save some images from your website to my hard drive? Most of the time, people who do this have nothing worth stealing. Second of all, if you had something worth stealing, I certainly wouldn’t need to use my right mouse button if I really wanted to take it. Third of all, I could just disable JavaScript and use the right mouse button anyway. I don’t want to disable JavaScript because I don’t think I can on a per-site basis, and JavaScript is necessary for other things to work correctly. So stop trying to hijack my computer’s functions. Summary: Disabling the right mouse button action is ineffective and arrogant.

Okay, that’s one thing off my chest.

UPDATE: The bitterness has passed. I’m over it, and now I have a (cunning) plan. The plan includes some lunch and some work to be done tonight when I get home. Woo plan! (No, it has nothing to do with JavaScript or… umm… mouses.)


Here’s the deal. I have an interview tomorrow morning for a teaching position that is not really ideal. At least it’s in a high school. That’s a start. But I don’t know if I’ll take it if it’s offered to me. I guess I’ll cross that bridge later.

After the interview I’m heading out to the Hamptons. It’s weird not to be bringing someone to this event. Usually I try to share these experiences with someone, but I guess it just didn’t work out this year. I’m bringing my computer but I don’t know if I’ll have time or desire to be online—after all, it is the Hamptons. Be good while I’m away.

By the way, the band director that I would theoretically be replacing at the school where I have an interview is someone I went to high school with. As it turns out, he got the assistant band director job at our old high school. I didn’t even know that one was open.

I Slept

I slept wonderfully last night. I was just happy to sleep, wonderfully or not. On On Sunday night, I decided that my sleep pattern had gotten so far off of normal, I had to stay awake all night. So I did.

Having no sleep, I was exhausted almost the entire day on Monday. I managed to stay awake and functional the entire day, but when it was time for bed, I slept.

I slept so well and had a good deal of mentally-refreshing REM sleep. I remember having at least two dreams. I dreamed I was in the past — 1994 or so — with a girl who was presumably a girlfriend. It was a pretty vivid dream. When I say I was in the past, it wasn’t a dream about my 1994 self, it was my 2004 self who was somehow in 1994. I did have my cell phone with me, and it couldn’t find a digital signal, only analog. This part of the dream was very specific. I could see the phone in my hand and it looked correct, even down to the icon used for the detection of an analog signal.

I remembered at least one other dream, but now it has gone from me. I think I’ll keep a notebook by my bed so I can write them down.

I need to continue going to sleep early. I tend to need a “sleep correction” every week or so. I just don’t tired at night as much or as early as I should.

Who Needs Sleep? Me…

Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. It’s amazing how when you type the same words over and over, first they become just patterns of letters, and then they become patterns of finger movements. First they lose their semantic meaning, then they lose all meaning… they are not even letters anymore. Just muscle memory. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Maybe I need another vacation or trip or voyage of some sort. Maybe I need to fall in love. Maybe I need new surroundings. Maybe I need something new to be passionate about.