Holding Myself Accountable For My Physical Activity

One of my resolutions for this year is to get in shape, like I mentioned earlier. It may be one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, and perhaps the resolution most likely to be abandoned with a month, but with more time on my hands, I have some freedom to make it happen.

I’m a fan of technology, so I was excited to see that there’s an Android app that seems to be perfect for what I need to keep me organized and motivated while giving me the ability to evaluate my progress over time. This is what worked for me in other areas of my life, so I think I have a good chance of being successful.

With RunKeeper, I downloaded a routine that should, if I can handle it, have be completing a 5K within seven weeks. After applying the routine to the app on my phone, I run with my phone with guidance about when to slow down or speed up in accordance with the routine.

Like most modern applications, the information can be linked to Facebook; my friends have already seen my progress. One thing missing is the ability to add widgets to websites. I’d like to be able to track my progress here as well.

On my RunKeeper profile, you can see the statistics for each outing, including distance, calories burned, and pace. I’m still slow now, particularly when running in this cold weather, but if I keep it up I’m sure my stats will improve. The current routine I’m following, 5K training for beginners created by Olympian Jeff Galloway, calls for outings consisting of alternating running and walking periods three days each week. I finished my second outing yesterday and I survived. On Saturday I’ll venture outside, perhaps in the snow, for the final outing of the week.

The key for me will be holding myself accountable and not letting myself get lazy. When I post something publicly, it becomes real. If I don’t keep it up, I will feel like a liar. This is the process that has worked for me in other areas of my life, so I’m hoping that this type of self-motivation will work for me.

Resolutions for 2011: Health and Photography

I realize there’s a certain level of futility to making New Year’s resolutions. It has probably been between five and ten years that I’ve continually resolved on December 31 to lose weight and get in shape the following year. Lest this year be an exception, I’ve resolved the same yet again.

There may be an advantage this year, however. I have the time to make it work. I’m working for myself, so although I’m still very busy, I make my own hours and decide how to spend my time. Even though the weather is unwelcoming to outdoor exercise, I will be starting a routine that will get me outside an active, running and walking. At the end of seven weeks, the plan dictates I will be ready to complete a 5K. That is my goal.

I’ll be tracking my progress using the RunKeeper Pro application on my phone. You may see my updates on social media linked to the application. I’ve already begun eating healthier, with more fruits and vegetables and less red meat (despite being treated to a dinner at The Melting Pot to celebrate my independence recently).

Another plan for the new year is to keep my apartment in better shape for entertaining company. I’m in the process of looking for a cleaning service, so if you have any recommendations, let me know.

In a few weeks, I’ll be starting a new photography class at the Arts Council of Princeton. Through this class and my goal to have two photography shoots a month, I will be working on building a portfolio of work. The shoots will most likely be like some of the others I’ve done, walking around Princeton or local parks. I won’t be advertising myself as a photographer, but I do plan on book a few paying gigs through friends for portraiture or event photography. If you’re interested, let me know!

I happened to find a great deal on a used Canon EOS 1D Mark III so my equipment is now more professional than I am — but I’m getting there.

New Year’s resolutions often receive a lot of criticism: Why wait until January 1? Why bother setting goals that almost no one ever meets and most people forget within 30 days? I think it’s always good to set aside time to self-evaluate, determine how you want to be a better person, and take some steps in that direction — even if you don’t make it all the way to your goal. Life is a process.