I don’t know whether to be flattered or frightened that Wil Wheaton and I led parallel lives (except for that acting thing).
So it was brought to my attention that I only talked about the not-so-great things about my birthday dinner and comedy event. I didn’t mean to focus only on the fact we almost didn’t have a table. The truth is, it was such a great night. I hardly get a chance to see my friends these days, and it was so nice to see everyone together having a good time.
I think Darren scared away Julie and Laura. They had never been exposed to the Laugh. There was much laughing by all, but the Laugh creates a sort of feedback effect. While everyone’s laughing at the comedian, we start laughing at Darren’s reaction to the comedian. If the comedian were funnier, it’s likely the ground would open up and we’d all fall in.