I’m considering a shift of focus for Aaafter Effect (formerly known as This Is Not A Weblog). Writing about my life just doesn’t seem interesting to me, so I’m not sure how anyone else other than close friends would find it even midly interesting. Maybe I’ll find another place for either part of this writing.
About This Website
I have posted photographs from last week’s trip to Dallas and Fort Worth online.
More Photos Today
I took an extra-long lunch break today to take some photographs of the park near my office.
Wedding Photographs
I’ve finally gotten a real photograph gallery installed on the website. I’ll be continuing making changes to it as we go along, but I would like to announce that I now have pictures online from the wedding this past weekend.
UPDATE: All 2003 photos are now located here. Go there and peruse the close to 200 pictures I put up. Photographs from 2002 and prior will probably be added soon, and I plan on taking more…
UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: I have doubled the number of pictures online. Yes folks, close to 400 photographs are now available on the aforementioned site.
Not Too Late For My IPO
You can now “buy” shares of Aaafter Effect. Of course it doesn’t cost real money, just a little bit of time to join the weblog stock market game. Shares of my stock are a bargain right now at $0.06 a pop.
Some internet searches that resulted in some poor souls unintentionally discovering my website recently:
What Is Wrong With Me?
I’m not sure what my problem is. I think I need to read and write more often. Looking back on what I’ve written on this site, I’ve seen the quality descend ever lower. I seem to have less of a command on the English language than I’ve ever had. Klunky grammar abouds everywhere. Maybe I’m just getting too lazy.
Blogger Investment Club?
So I’m seriously considering setting up an investment club for beginning investors. I thought I’d see how many bloggers would be interested in such a thing. If I can find ten bloggers (or friends of bloggers) interested, we’ll set it up.
Basically, after an initial meeting where we determine our investing philosphy, we would “meet” (online, of course, or in person if there are people local to others) once a month to discuss possible changes to the portfolio. At the time of the meeting, the members decide as a group what to invest in and then transfer their money into the account.
So spread the word and post a comment here if you’d be interested. Here are some links where you can get some more info on these types of clubs: Yahoo Finance, This Is Money, and Nat’l Association of Investors Corp.
Giving Thanksgiving
Inspired by a sentence written by Sarah B. here is a task for you. Sum up your Thanksgiving (or Hanukkah or whatever else you want) in ten words. Here is mine: Bond (James Bond), get flashed twice [link may not be “safe for work”], turkey, brisket, and latkes.
Add yours here if you haven’t already!