
If you’ve found this site, you may have noticed I moved the blog to a new home just down the street from the old home. Suddenly my pseudo-anonymity was exposed, and I’m not happy about it. I don’t really write here much any more, but I don’t want to lose the archives. This is despite the fact over the past few years I’ve had to go back and edit out personally identifyable words.

Nevertheless, they found me. I don’t know how, but they found me. Run for it, Marty!

Frustrating WordPress Bug

It frustrates me that every so often, WordPress reverts to the basic “default” template, changing the look of this website back to something that bugs me. There’s no good fix to this problem, and it only happens to certain blogs. Perhaps the next update will fix the problem. If you ever visit here and see the site looks weird, then there’s your explanation.

Yeah, It’s Different

I switched from Movable Type to WordPress tonight. While the template system isn’t so great with the new software, the comment management system is much better than Movable Type’s. I’ll change the design here at some point, but at least now people can comment without too much hassle and I won’t have to deal with spam (on this website).

Website Changes

You might have noticed some changes around here. First of all, I changed the color scheme a bit. Secondly, I added a program that posts links that I find and tag through every day. And lastly, I changed the name of the website from Aaafter Effect to Well, There It Is. which was the old tagline anyway. Feel free to change your links (if you also have a website and if you link to me from that website) at your leisure.

Ah, another small change. I added links to other weblogs at the bottom of the sidebar, but it’s powered by BlogLines. That means that only sites that I can read through that website (that is, websites that offer an RSS feed) are listed…

More Visitors

I suppose I should welcome all the visitors I’m getting from BlogExplosion. Thanks for coming and I hope you’ll stay for more than thirty seconds.

BlogExplosion is a weblog “browser” that credits you for every blog you view for thirty seconds, enabling other people to visit you. Thus, your credits are depleted and you have to view more blogs.

I’ve seen a few recurring trends. Everything else, like mine, is just pretty average. Interestingly, there is definitely a lack of techie blogs in the BlogExplosion system. Maybe those guys aren’t concerned with getting random people to visit their websites for thirty seconds and never come back.