Finally Found One

Amy and I finally found an affordable apartment this past weekend. It’s several hundred dollars less than comparable apartments in the area (Edgewater), but larger. We’ll also have our first month free and there are no broker fees to deal with.

It’s right on the Hudson River, overlooking (well, at an angle) the New York City skyline. While it’s not my favorite place for living, it’s between my workplace and hers, so that’s where we’ll be.

There is underground parking for my car and a safe place for our bicycles.

Unfortunately, there are no pets allowed. So if anyone’s looking for a very friendly and loving cat named Rupert, who even had is own blog at one time, please let me know. I’ll need to find a home for him by the middle of July. Seriously. Please get out the word. I’m asking around and I’ve had no takers so far.

The Original Original Star Wars Trilogy

Of course it was going to happen. Lucasfilm and Fox will be releasing two-disc DVD versions of the original Star Wars trilogy, as they were first shown in theaters. Each two-disc episode will contain the original version as well as the 2004 re-edited and touched-up release. This will be nice for those of us who remember when Star Wars wasn’t “Episode 4.”

Only Ben Folds

Ben Folds put his cab driver on stage to perform with him. It’s kind of the dream I had back in college, in which John and John They Might Be Giants hear me playing clarinet (somehow) and invite me to tour with them.

Obviously, that never happened. I should have been driving cabs.

Back From California

If anyone is still reading this, here’s an update. I am back from California, and it was a great vacation with Amy and my family. I came back to find various presents from my adopted cat and a full mailbox. (Those are not related incidents.)

I know a number of people have been waiting for this: I finally uploaded photos from my birthday.

Now I have about five statistics assignments for my class due tomorrow, the final day of the course. My school work slipped a little during vacation, and I know I’m not going to be happy with my grade. Also, I hate statistics. Math’s great, but statistics sucks.

Catching up with all my email is going to take days.

The Two Mohonk Trips and Once More to California

Here is something odd about my two trips to Mohonk — once in 2001 and again in 2004. In one I wore a shirt that advertised a company that makes electric guitars, and in the other I wore a shirt that advertised a company that makes cymbals. I expect Yamaha will be my next sponsor.

Anyhow, later this week Amy and I will be visiting my family in California. After flying in, we’ll be driving to Lake Tahoe. It won’t be the typical California warm weather vacation. We might go skiing, in fact. We’ll be staying with my family in a nice resort and then head back down to southern California after a few days. I’ll be taking Amy to Disneyland, which was her only requirement, but we’ll also go to San Diego and/or Hollywood. We’ll probably also see a show at the theater where my brother works.

I like getting away, but I seem to go to California often. I promised someone I’d make it to Australia but that keeps getting more and more expensive. I’ve got a number of places in Europe on my hit list, too, not to mention some other cities in the United States I’ve never seen. I want to visit these places before I get too old… and age seems to progress more and more quickly as I get older.