NEW FOR ME I added

I added a link on my sidebar to Melanie who is an aspiring actor. She happens to be another person who just has a way with words. Speaking of words, what ever happened to the word actress? Has it fallen into obsolescence? The only tme I ever hear it used is at the Academy Awards.



A single brown banana
Rots on the table
And the televison begs like a whore
If you decided to sell your happiness
For how much would you sell it
And spend your days down on the floor

I’m On TV

Make sure you wake up early and watch the NBC Today Show on Monday morning, June 12th. We put together a group of 500 musicians, including [DELETED] to perform the opening theme and a song at the end of the show. I’ll be there getting people organized as well as video taping the event for our archives with the new Digital Handycam that was donated to us by Sony. Make sure you’re watching so you don’t miss seeing me on TV…

Only bad part is I’ll need to be in The City at 4:30 a.m. Looks like I won’t be going to sleep Sunday night…

FUZZY FREAKY Speaking of Quicktime,

Speaking of Quicktime, did you know that if you hold down Shift and double-click on the video, it will play the video from that point backwards, including sound? It’s sort of entertaining watching those wolves run backwards.