Branching Out and Friday Five

I usually don’t do this, but here’s a link to something blog-related I like: Blogtree. Use it to find out whose blogs influenced others.

Speaking of blogs, here is my Friday Five for today:

1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it? I do not own a car. I used to have a black 1999 Honda Civic LX with lots of features. Before that I had a 1987 Toyota Celica. Before that, I was given my parents’ old Subaru stationwagon, which they apparently no longer make.

2. Do you drive very often? I drive very rarely these days. I take public transportation or hitch a ride with a friend to almost everywhere I go.

3. . What’s your dream car? I really haven’t gotten into cars enough to be able to say what my dream car is with any authority. I really liked driving the Celica (when it was working) and maybe a newer model would be sweet. But I also like BMW.

4. Have you ever received a ticket? My rap sheet is a mile long, attributed mostly to long commutes, driving relatively fast, and the desire not to be late all the time. Of course, that combination could lead to bad things. Contrary to most people’s unfounded opinions I’m a careful driver.

5. Have you ever been in an accident? I was in a small accident the first year I was driving. It was January 25, and as tradition dictates, we were attempting to find a movie to see in Lawrenceville. I took a turn into the Quaker Bridge Mall a little too fast, the ground was wet, and I ran up the curb. In college, the Subaru was totalled. Considering the amount of driving I’ve done since I became a licensed driver it’s really not that bad of a record. In fact, one summer I drove a 15-person van 13,000 miles in seven weeks for a drum corps tour, usually for anywhere from 4-12 hours each night, and never had any problems. Also, I’ve been in accidents while a passenger in other people’s cars, but I don’t think that’s what this question is asking.

3 thoughts on “Branching Out and Friday Five”

  1. Right you are — December 25th. That’s what I meant. It’s quite possible we had just seen the movie. Not quite sure. I do remember I was going north on Route 1 when took the turn into the mall. Possibly we were coming back from the Ground Round which was closed.


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