Mounting Frustrations

In case you follow the story of my life, here are some updates. I’m not taking the Elementary School job in Lakewood. I do have a couple of good leads on some tech jobs, though. I did find out this morning that one position I’m interested in is already in the interview process and I would get an interview if they can’t find anyone in the first batch. I’m not sure what to do — call back and tell them they want to consider me in the first batch? Wait a few days and call again to find out the status again?

Another job with a consulting/placement company is pretty likely from what I’ve heard through the grapevine, but I still haven’t heard from them directly.

Otherwise, I have a feeling that blindly replying to ads in the NY Times, Star Ledger, and without inside contacts is like shooting pigeons in the dark. (Is that a real metaphor or did I just make that up?)

5 thoughts on “Mounting Frustrations”

  1. I actually had a couple of hits from HotJobs last year when I was looking for work in the city. So it’s not a completely hopeless cause to strike out blindly. Just don’t be surprised if you don’t ever hear from the vast majority of the companies you apply to.

  2. Yeah, I’m finding that my resume is getting a good amount of hits by employers on these job web sites, but no responses yet. If the chances of getting a response are one in 1,000 I still have a few more postings to reply to…


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