It Is Finished

I came home yesterday and found that new people had moved into the apartment. I exchanged several words with my roommate, who allowed people to move in although I had made it clear I wasn’t planning on moving out until the end of January. We tried to sort things out with the landlord, but he was pretty ambivalent to the whole situation.

So, If you need me, I’ll be at my father’s house.

Some good news — I finally heard back from another high school I’ve been looking at. I’ll be calling them first thing on Monday to set up an interview.

Well, there’s a plus to staying at my father’s while I look for teaching jobs and an apartment in whatever area I end up teaching: the cable modem makes using the internet fast again.

1 thought on “It Is Finished”

  1. Look on the bright side – you’ll save money, you’ll have home cooked meals, you have more then a week to find an apartment, and as you pointed out, most importantly, you’ll have a faster connection to the internet. Think of all the music and movies you can download again, you should find some Fraggle Rock for me.


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