Predicting the Future

Who will the next president of the United States be (following W.’s second term if he gets one)?

  1. Hillary Clinton
  2. Christine Todd Whitman
  3. Al Gore
  4. Tom Ridge
  5. Other:                    

Note: I don’t really care about politics.

5 thoughts on “Predicting the Future”

  1. I think you left out an important one: Rudy Giuliani. I think if he ran for president in the next election, he could probably win without any problems (unless W. won an awful lot of support, which I guess really depends on how the “war” goes).

  2. I’m with Darren on this one. But I’m not sure he’d run. He’s a man of the people, and it’s hard to be “of the people” when there is a whole nation full of them. Plus, I’m not sure he’d be happy about dealing with international stuff. And, there are some blemishes on his record, pre-September 11th.

  3. You’re right about him probably not running. But, despite everything…I’d vote for him. I really like him. He’s real, and even though people say he’s a jerk and a dictator sometimes, I generally agree with what he has to say, and at least he gets things done, whether you agree with those things or not. He doesn’t really just talk about stuff, he actually does it.

  4. Yeah, looking like you’re making snide remarks to your neighbor (who for all intents and purposes is disinterested) every time the camera cuts to you while the President is addressing the nation isn’t going to win over the voting public.


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