So, I Spent Some Money

It’s shiny and silver. It opens and shuts. It has blinking lights. It playes music and movies. It does a whole lot more, and I can take it with me. Yes, I bought a notebook computer. I just couldn’t deal with my desktop anymore. How can I afford it you ask? How could I not afford it?

It’s got a 1 GHz Pentium III CPU, 128 MB RAM, a 20 gB hard drive, a DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive, FireWire, USBx4, standard ports, a built-in modem and built-in Fast Ethernet. On top of that, I get to take it where ever I want. I can access the Internet from hotel rooms and watch my own movies on airplanes!

Happiness costs about $1500. (Thank you Mr. Best Buy Financing Guy.)

3 thoughts on “So, I Spent Some Money”

  1. I fully support the decision. The man HAS to have a computer. He uses it constantly, and not just for personal use. If his car broke, he’d have to fix that, regardless of whether or not he could afford it. This isn’t any different.


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