Super Sexy Spike? Sweet…

I’ve discovered a potential problem with me teaching. No matter what, high-school-aged girls, for some unapparent reason, seem to think I’m hot. I can’t quite comprehend how they come to this conclusion, or why just as mysteriously it seems to stop once they enter college. It’s been this way for a while. How can students learn from me if all they are really thinking about is my sexy body?

There’s something wrong with this picture here, and I’ll be the first to admit it. And if you think I’m full of myself–I’m not. I don’t find myself attractive. I only bring this up because I hear it just about every weekend during the fall. It’s truly odd.

6 thoughts on “Super Sexy Spike? Sweet…”

  1. Maybe it’s the Indiana Jones complex. 🙂

    Or maybe, when they’re in high school, they are tired of dealing with the immature high school boys, and so they naturally look up to someone older. Someone who is acting as a teacher or authority figure and yet who is young enough to understand them and be “cool” is going to be attractive to them. Once they get to college, they find people who they can relate to more. That’s my take on it, anyway.

    Or, it could just be that you are super-sexy. 🙂

  2. I did my student teaching at a high school…oh boy. I now teach general music at the elementary school level! When 4th graders come to my door with little cute love notes it’s still considered cute. 😉


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