I’ve made quite a few great contacts in the high school instrumental music scene these past few years. It’s time I started using that to my advantage. I hear South Jersey calling my name.
I’ve made quite a few great contacts in the high school instrumental music scene these past few years. It’s time I started using that to my advantage. I hear South Jersey calling my name.
*points under bed again*
NOW you’re thinking…that’s definately the way to go. Exploit the contacts you’ve made….
Darren… the expert of exploitation… 🙂
Yes…I particularly like exploited women…and their friends. 🙂
Ooh- Darren. You’re lucky I know where that comes from. 😉
I think I hear it calling your name too, way down here in DC — “Spike, it’s not your job to absorb everyone else’s problems… get out while you still have a semblance of sanity… “
Shauna’s brother is moving there (D.C.) soon, too, so I’m sure she’ll be right behind him. If you move there, too, think of how many people I can visit at once…..