I am home from Maryland. I spent yesterday and today with [DELETED] (who mentions to me that I don’t write about her enough) meeting with [DELETED]. There’s no need to bore you with work-related details, but we did have some time after meetings on Sunday night to go see Shrek (Official Site Here). It was a cute movie.
It was a little windy, but otherwise the weather was beautiful. The landscape also was very nice. It was a nice change to get away from New Jersey, the land of flatness, humidity and overpopulation.
Also, I had a weird dream last night (early this morning), which I wrote about here.
Oooh, I’m off to see Shrek tonight. I think I’m about the only person left in the world who hasn’t seen it yet. (funny how doing a show does that to you… wherever does the time go?)
Don’t ask me. I haven’t found any yet.