In a desperate attempt to maintain a life, Spike has sort of made plans for the weekend. On Friday night, he is probably going to see Moulin Rouge. Spike covertly and inadvertently switches from third to first person. Saturday I’ll be spending time near Cowtown, New Jersey at the Appel Farm Arts and Music Festival, seeing the likes of Dar Williams, Erin McKeown, and probably some other performers. And what of Sunday, you ask? (Well, maybe you didn’t, so I asked for you.) I’ll be going to Maryland for some work-related stuff. Band parents and stadiums and whatnot.
Did you know there is Whatnot in Maryland? You learn something new every day.
So what are your plans for the weekend? Everybody answers this time. I want to know what’s going on in your life; I grow ever weary of writing about mine without knowing what my readers are up to.
Friday I’m going to go see Moulin Rouge. Saturday there is a big fabric sale at one of the quilt shops I frequent. Either Saturday or Sunday I am taking my cousin bowling.
Since I have Fridays off, my weekend starts tomorrow, when I will be doing the ever-impressive Grocery Shopping. (A scan of the fridge today revealed that I currently have the following contents: 3 Woodchuck ciders, a stick of butter, half a bag of carrots, 3 packs of active dry yeast and some strawberry jam.) In the afternoon, Angie is coming over to spend the weekend with me. Friday night I expect Shauna and Scott to also arrive. Saturday I’ll spend all day with them and you at Appel Farm. On Sunday the tentative plan is to spend all day in New Hope with Angie.
Plans? Who needs `em?
I will start by watching my kid’s all day, and cleaning the house. Also, Iwill do all the laundry. When my wife comes home from work I will go to bed. Saturday and Sunday are still up for grabs.
i can’t believe you opened that door….
*i* will be celebrating my birthday with the people who care about me!
I’m going shopping at Sam’s Club tonite to purchase large quantities of food and various household products. Tomorrow I’m getting a pedicure with a friend, and then I’m going to shop some more. Hopefully either Saturday or Sunday, I’ll get to go to dinner at my favorite restaurant, the Basil Leaf. oh, and I’m also going to go pick up my copy of Catch-22 that I ordered and the video store.
Stacey: I’m sorry I won’t be at your party this weekend. I promise we’ll get together soon, I can’t wait to see your new apartment.
Sabrina: Where is Basil Leaf? Is that Italian?
Tonight, I’m taking a long, snuggly nap, then renting a movie and making stir-fry. Tomorrow, I’m packing up some of my stuff, and organizing a bit. Then I’m heading out to visit a friend in Delaware. On sunday, I’ll be back (perhaps for more napping!)
This is slightly off the topic, but Becca- did you find your cat? is predicting thunderstorms this weekend for Elmer, NJ, where the Arts and Music Fest is held. That should be interesting…
Also, it looks like I’m not going to see Moulin Rouge tonight… That will have to happen when Darren is around.
I missed it. But retrospectively (can I use that word in this context?)… I had Midsummer performances Fri – Sunday nights. Saturday am I walked to the grocery store… and that was all the constructiveness that happened that day. Sunday I cleaned my apartment. Other than that, I read. And played Heroes of Might and Magic. It was relaxing.
Mmm… A Midsummer Night’s Dream… I love that play…
Too bad you live so far away, otherwise I’d try to guilt you into coming to see it. 😉
Ah, saved by geography…
You could always send me a video 🙂
No video, I think. If the pictures turn out well, and I actually purchase any, I’ll be sure to post them. But that’s a lot of maybes…
hmm…last weekend i worked. ahh, the joys of being summer help. but this weekend im actually going to attempt to have fun ,as my freind bill is visiting from WV. he’s never been to Lancaster before, so this out to be intersting…