I’ve been blessed with a four-day weekend for the holiday. I’m spending my time intensifying my search for apartments, but I’ve also been working with my budget, and trying to determine exactly what I can afford.
I am quickly realizing that I cannot afford to live in my own apartment. Even if I were to live in the town where I work (no tolls, little fuel expense, assuming $750/mo rent), I would come out at the end of the month not making any money. Consider the fact that I do not want to live in the area of North Jersey close to my job (it’s generally a hole, and an expensive hole at that), living further away with similar rent payments would leave me with more of a debt at the end of the month.
A solution might be to live with someone else and share the rent. That would be a great solution if it weren’t for the fact that no one I know needs a roommate at the moment, and I’m not a fan of living with a random person. Even if I were to live with a random person, which I have looked into, I’ve discovered that my choices of location are severely limited.
I don’t think I’m being greedy, I think I just have to start making a living.
Why are your choices severely limited? Have you looked in local newspapers for whatever area you want? They should have listings for rooms to rent, or apartments to share. all of the local papers *here* have those, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t have them in NJ….
There’s a website that takes in listings from most NJ papers and puts them online. It hasn’t come up with anything. But I’ll get some newspapers, there’s probably some that aren’t online.
Well, I think that’s basically the answer…you need a better paying job. You might have to settle for making no money at the end of the month until that happens (that’s where I’m at, but I knew that when I decided to buy a house…) In the meantime, look for another job, too.