Driving home from work today, my car was hit by someone else’s. The owner of the silver Audi (or at least, the driver) and I pulled over to the side to swap information. She was in a rush. She was late for something important. She had no idea where she was going. She wasn’t paying attention. She attempted to change into my lane as I was right there. She was kind of cute. She asked me if I knew where such-and-such road is. As we know, it’s somewhat difficult for two particles, let alone two cars, to occupy the same spot at the same time. Hence, collision. Hence, the front driver’s side corner of my car is scratched up. I guess now I’ll actually have to start paying my insurance bills.
Now…I don’t know what kind of insurance company you have, but most insurance companies will CANCEL your insurance when you don’t pay it. Are you sure you still have insurance…?
oh no…. spike…..