Apartment Search Update #2

I visited a potential place of dwelling tonight. I met my would-be roommate. They guy was pretty cool. The place wasn’t terrible. Either I would rent one room for $400/mo or two rooms for $650/mo. I might have gone ahead and rented just one room, but then I’d have to pay for storage somewhere, and we would have to find a third roommate. That would leave very little room in the apartment. To park my car in a garage (so I wouldn’t have to search up and down several blocks for a spot every night) would cost an additional $90/mo. There’s no washer or dryer, as well as no dishwasher. More and more, this place sounded more unappealing. Kristen came along, which is good, because I don’t like doing this sort of stuff by myself.

I think I’ll be able to find a nicer place for $650/mo somewhere else. Anyone got any leads for me yet?

11 thoughts on “Apartment Search Update #2”

  1. Good call. When you’re spending that much money on a place to live, you need to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth.

    If you’re determined to live in Jersey City, there are plenty of decent places in the price range you’re shooting for. (The trick, naturally, is finding the RIGHT one.)

  2. D: I would, except for the cats, and the snoring, and the times when I think your wife wants me dead. But if not for those things…

    H: Truth be told, Jersey City is a nice place to live now. But it is nearly as expensive (rent-wise) as Manhattan. But it is really close to the city, and lots of cool stuff goes on up there, so…

  3. apartment hunting sucks….. i was just told 1 1/2 months is WAY to early to look in astoria…. that i have to wait til end of april…. that makes me really nervous…… 🙁


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