Isn’t It Nice

It’s nice to come home to someone who pays attention to you and wants to pay attention to you. It’s nice to come home to someone who will sit in your lap and look up at you with cute eyes. I like coming home to someone who you can cuddle with and who wants you to scratch them behind their ears. It’s nice coming home to someone who licks your hand and nibbles on you lightly. It’s nice coming home to someone who will purr when you hold them. Yes, I’m really going to miss my roommate’s cat when I move out… I’d get my own if I thought I’d be home enough to take care of one.

8 thoughts on “Isn’t It Nice”

  1. Cats are pretty self-sufficient. Clean the litter box every once in a while, and give them a bowl of food and water in the morning, and they’re all set. If you’re gone for a few days, just leave several bowls. It’s not like a dog where you have to walk it…

  2. I don’t know, M-D… cats can be very loving if you treat them right from when they are very young. Of course there are some that are just nasty, but the same goes for dogs. Here’s another generalization for you: Dogs are big and smelly.

  3. If you get a new apartment that allows cats, and I get a new apartment that doesn’t, you can have Tyler. 🙂 He’s slightly on the huge side as well, but he would love you and he’s the cutest thing in the whole world.


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