
They say you should always know your audience. I realize that this website has an audience much larger than my small group of friends. I know that students I have taught or worked with in some form or another read this site. I know my co-workers visit once in a while. I know that some day, maybe a potential employer will decide to check my references and might find this website. For those reasons, I do not write about everything I think about. In fact, you could say that I almost censor myself very slightly. When people respond publicly to what I write, unfortunately sometimes they don’t realize they can easily make themselves look unintelligent, and bring me down in the process.

When I ran a dial-up bulletin board system in high school, it was similar. Everything everyone posted was a reflection on both their own person and myself. I did a pretty good job of maintaining the level of maturity — in fact the “regulars” liked my system since it was free of all the pettiness and immaturity of the other BBS’s around.

These days, there is even less of a separation between the “online” world and the “real” world. Web sites are more public than dial-up BBS’s. You don’t have to be “a member” to read the messages. We don’t use “handles;” for the most part everyone knows us by our real names. I like having fun, just I don’t want to deal with immature comments. It reflects poorly on everyone. Many readers won’t know what I’m talking about, since I have deleted the offending post and the associated comments. I could have just deleted the offending comments from the posts and pretend they were never there, but I really wanted to say this. Thanks for reading.

By the way, I saw the movie 15 Minutes earlier tonight with Becca. It was the first time I’d been to a movie theater in a long time. It had a lot to say about media, especially television. We all know the message already though.

6 thoughts on “Balance”

  1. i hear ya man. and i do remember your bbs very well, indeed. the only thing i can add to your opinion of journals and weblogs is that people tend to be less understanding and insensitive when they do not know you like your friends and family do. i had a similar problem on my site (a feedback! page that went awry). but keep posting; we read AND respect what you type.


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