Challenging Myself

I’m contemplating challenging myself to learn a new language. I’d really like to be multilingual, but here are the problems as I see it:

  • I’d have to find time to study.
  • Once ready, I’d like to visit an area of the world where the language is spoken to be immersed within it.
  • I would probably need to practice with people I know, and all I know are English speakers.

Once getting past these issues, the next step would be to actually choose a language. Should I go with something practical like Spanish, or head the other direction with a language like Ancient Greek? I’ve begun learning German and Hebrew throughout my life but I’d like to try something different.

5 thoughts on “Challenging Myself”

  1. Consider Vietnamese… it’s a fun language: all the words are only one syllable and based entirely on intonation (there are seven different ways to pronounce each word). Here’s something to get your started (spelling may be off): Dut dut (the first “dut” pronounced with upwards intonation and the second “dut” pronounced downwards) Translation: “butt fart.” It cracks people in Vietnam up when you say it. Trust me.

  2. Well, I pretty much speak fluent French. So I could help you out there. Although I have to admit that I know very little about how to discuss embarassing bodily functions….

  3. If you wanted to brush up on your Hebrew, I oh-so-vaguely remember how to say important, helpful things like “This is the operator speaking” and “Dalya likes cheese.” I also remember how to say “go rot in hell” but not, alas, “butt fart.” 🙂


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