Mel Gibson is funny, but he doesn’t know it yet. He directed and starred in this movie called Braveheart a few years ago. The DVD of the film was released, including a running commentary by this man. Darren and I watched the movie with the commentary running today. Here are my two favorite lines from his commentary (though there are many others):
During a love-making scene: “This scene is great because in the cold, you can see their breath.” Now this is only funny when in you take into account the fact that the woman was nude and neither Darren nor I heard the word breath clearly.
During a scene towards the end of the movie: “That’s not actually an actor, that’s the film accountant.” Hilarious! … but only because I heard him say, “That’s not actually an actor, that’s the Phil McCountant.” After all, it is a movie about Scottish people.
So maybe it’s not so funny, but when it’s Saturday and you’re looking for anything to keep you in a good mood, it’ll do the trick.