An interesting thing happened on

An interesting thing happened on the Turnpike this morning. I was driving probably around 80 to 85 miles per hour, along with traffic, when I came up to a cluster of cars going a little slower, maybe 70 to 75 miles per hour. I looked up and the driver of the car in front of me was waving his finger by the rear-view mirror, as if it say to me, “Don’t.” I looked at the other cars and around the roadway for a police car, thinking the reason of the slowdown was because of a cop, but didn’t see one. But, I did see a car which looked like it could have been an unmarked cop car, but I wasn’t sure. It didn’t have the bright light hooked up on top of the driver’s side view mirror like most unmarked cars. But I slowed down and decided to play it safe.

Less than a minute later a car came from behind, probably going 85 miles per hour. This driver must not have noticed the other guy waving at him to slow down. As luck would have it, the other car I was looking at pulled behind the speeding car and followed him as he changed lanes, eventually putting lights on and pulling the speeding car over into the shoulder.

I learned two things driving this morning: (1) Unmarked cars are getting harder to identify and (2) there might actually be some drivers willing to help other drivers out there on the road. Weird.

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