I had a fantastic weekend

I had a fantastic weekend in Scranton, Pennsylvania, despite the chilly weather. I’ll save you the worst parts of the weekend for now and give you the taste of the best part:

One of the priviledges of [DELETED is that you get a couple of minutes to share the spotlight while [DELETED] the great students who worked so hard all season. I worked it out so that I could [DELETED to my alma mater in their first [DELETED]. It turns out they had a pretty rough season, and they might not have liked their number the judges gave them at their final show at the season, but I knew that they knew that it was the best show they ever did this year. And I could see in the faces of the H—town High School drum majors that they knew that, and that’s all that mattered to them.

That is what this is all about, folks. Some of the students out there don’t get it yet, but they will someday.

Unfortunately I did hear that a band I used to teach in Delaware is going through a lot of problems. Some of these adolescents have drinking problems now and some of even the “best” students got caught up in some illegal activity. I hear that students there just don’t care, as a general attitude. One of their current instructors says they might not even be able to put a band together for next year. It’s a shame, and I wish there was something I could do to motivate these guys, because even though I’ve been away for a while, the program there still means a lot to me.

Anyway, now [DELETED] I might actually have more time for myself and for my friends. That’s what I’m hoping anyway. I’ll probably be writing less about band topics, as well, which might make some readers happy, I guess.

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