I had a pretty busy weekend in New England. Friday night, Alissa and I drove to her grandmother’s house in Newburgh, NY. Sleep was the only order of business. The next morning, we went over to her relative’s house to see her two cousins (cute but rambunctious), her uncle, aunt, and her aunt’s parents. After a little socializing, we headed out for lunch at Sam’s, where the food of choice is meatballs.
After lunch, we began our drive to the show in Cranston, Rhode Island, at which I was scheduled to work. The three-hour drive was across Interstate 84, which was really pretty (the trees alongside, not the actual road) this time of year. Maybe less than a week past the peak, but still nice.
After the show (which is another story for another day), we realized we had no hotel reservations (well, to be fair, Alissa realized this long before we even left for the weekend…) so we had to spend some time driving around trying to find a place with vacancy. We couldn’t find a reasonable place, so after a few hours we gave in and stayed at the very expensive Crown Royale hotel, somewhere around Warwick, RI.
After watching the Mets lose to the Yankees for the first time in the World Series, and after sleeping, we headed over to the Friday’s restaurant for a nice Sunday brunch, where we planned the rest of our day.
We decided to head over to Newport to take a tour of the mansions. We ended up going to only one, The Breakers, but it was very cool. Our tour guide needed a little help, but after coaching her on the proper pronunciation of Euridice — several times — she seemed to get the hang of it.
After touring The Breakers, we went for a short walk by the cliffs on the shore of the island.
Then we headed back to New Jersey, eventually getting back to my apartment around 12:30 — right after the Mets lost once again to the Yanks.