
So at this point, and for several months now, I’ve been sharing an apartment with my father and my brother. This is my situation until my brother leaves for California to go to school or something, my father moves to Jersey City which is closer to his office in Manhattan, and I move five minutes or so down the road to West Windsor.

My brother finds it necessary, as if he’s preparing for life in the Sunny State of California, to turn the thermostat all the way up to 75 degrees in the house, and leave the fan constantly on. First of all 75 degrees is way too high for the winter. It’s just a waste of energy and money. Second of all, with the fan constantly on, even when the ambient temperature reached 75, air still blows through the vents, not affecting the temperature, so it’s wasting energy and money. Third of all, it’s just uncomfortable.

I can’t wait to move out.

Yes, of course I’ve talked to him about this. Sigh. It’s just not worth any further effort..

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