
Wouldn’t it be great if the National League wins the All-Star Game on the 10th anniversary of its last win in the same game and then the Mets go on to win the World Series on the 20th anniversary of its last win in the same series?

There’s one out left in the All-Star game at the moment, and I’m doing homework.

8 thoughts on “All-Stars”

  1. Frankly, I’m shocked to discover that you followed sports, let alone the Mets.

    On a related note, remember that guy I work with who you assisted with his blog question last year? His question was about the Mets blog he runs which, IMHO, is probably the best Mets blog in the known universe (Faith and Fear in Flushing).

  2. 1988 was the year that sports disappointed me and I turned to music and computers. Had I continued to follow the Mets, I’d probably be a 6’4″ star athlete in a professional sport of some kind.

  3. AL rules!!!

    Kidding. (Well, not really. I’m AL, through and through.) I wouldn’t mind seeing a repeat of the 1986 World Series, assuming the outcome is the same. And that scenario isn’t altogether implausible.

  4. Hey man, with 10 losing seasons out of 11 since 1995 (and with #11 imminent), I still haven’t lost faith in the Royals. Well, maybe a little. But I haven’t given up yet, dammit!


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