Website Changes

You might have noticed some changes around here. First of all, I changed the color scheme a bit. Secondly, I added a program that posts links that I find and tag through every day. And lastly, I changed the name of the website from Aaafter Effect to Well, There It Is. which was the old tagline anyway. Feel free to change your links (if you also have a website and if you link to me from that website) at your leisure.

Ah, another small change. I added links to other weblogs at the bottom of the sidebar, but it’s powered by BlogLines. That means that only sites that I can read through that website (that is, websites that offer an RSS feed) are listed…

3 thoughts on “Website Changes”

  1. Heh. Well I guess if you browse from your list, you’ll just have to start from the bottom going up. :>Or just read my website last… but that’s no fun.


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