You might have noticed some changes around here. First of all, I changed the color scheme a bit. Secondly, I added a program that posts links that I find and tag through every day. And lastly, I changed the name of the website from Aaafter Effect to Well, There It Is. which was the old tagline anyway. Feel free to change your links (if you also have a website and if you link to me from that website) at your leisure.
Ah, another small change. I added links to other weblogs at the bottom of the sidebar, but it’s powered by BlogLines. That means that only sites that I can read through that website (that is, websites that offer an RSS feed) are listed…
the only problem there is it takes you from the very top to the very bottom of my alphabetical listing……
Heh. Well I guess if you browse from your list, you’ll just have to start from the bottom going up. :>Or just read my website last… but that’s no fun.
i do read blogs from my list…. that’s much easier than bookmarking everything…. especially since i read from work a lot of the time….