I suppose I should welcome all the visitors I’m getting from BlogExplosion. Thanks for coming and I hope you’ll stay for more than thirty seconds.
BlogExplosion is a weblog “browser” that credits you for every blog you view for thirty seconds, enabling other people to visit you. Thus, your credits are depleted and you have to view more blogs.
I’ve seen a few recurring trends. Everything else, like mine, is just pretty average. Interestingly, there is definitely a lack of techie blogs in the BlogExplosion system. Maybe those guys aren’t concerned with getting random people to visit their websites for thirty seconds and never come back.
Yeah, I’m one of those blog exploders.
I see you’ve linked the Donnie Darko essay that Roger Ebert posted. That being one of my favorite films, I was actually quite puzzled at the author’s assertion that Donnie spends the entire film sexually fixated on his sister. I saw no real textual or subtextual evidence of this in my ten or so viewings of this movie, and I’ve always considered myself fairly perceptive. Huh.
Stayed more than 30 seconds! I’m very sad that Henson’s empire got sold to Disney, too… heartbreaking.
Yeah, BE seems to be dominated lately by personal blogs. Which is fine by me! There’s enough publicity for the political and technical blogs already; time to create a home for blogs that shoot from the heart.
Oh hell, 59 seconds – I’ve overstayed my welcome!