Full of Bitterness

I am full of bitterness this morning, and I don’t know why. Everything seems to be pissing me off. Here’s just one thing:

Websites that disable the use of the right mouse button. Instead of my context menu, when I click with the right mouse buttons on these sites, either I get nothing, or a cutesy little dialog box informing me that I’ve been a bad boy and I must keep my paws off. First of all, who are you to say that I can’t use my right mouse button to move back and forth between pages within a website? Is it because you think I’m going to save some images from your website to my hard drive? Most of the time, people who do this have nothing worth stealing. Second of all, if you had something worth stealing, I certainly wouldn’t need to use my right mouse button if I really wanted to take it. Third of all, I could just disable JavaScript and use the right mouse button anyway. I don’t want to disable JavaScript because I don’t think I can on a per-site basis, and JavaScript is necessary for other things to work correctly. So stop trying to hijack my computer’s functions. Summary: Disabling the right mouse button action is ineffective and arrogant.

Okay, that’s one thing off my chest.

UPDATE: The bitterness has passed. I’m over it, and now I have a (cunning) plan. The plan includes some lunch and some work to be done tonight when I get home. Woo plan! (No, it has nothing to do with JavaScript or… umm… mouses.)