
I just spent some time removing my real name from old posts and comments imported from the old site. I also removed references to identifiable locations. You never know when someone, say a parent of a friend, will discover a website you thought was failry anonymous. Let’s hope Google‘s cache is quick.

UPDATE. I just checked, and Google cached my site minutes after the updates were made. Weird.

5 thoughts on “Revisionism”

  1. yeah, right? also she didnt admit to being the uniform searcher. also she didnt even know that this was YOUR site per se when she stumbled upon it. apparently shes far slower than even I imagined.

  2. Well the “uh, me” comment wasn’t me, it was someone whose mother found one of her friend’s websites–one that happens to link to hers–maybe mine–so she freaked out and requested I remove all the links to her website from mine. She doesn’t want her mother seeing her website.

  3. yeah. mom mentioned something about espn, not uniforms. and its not like i dont want mom checking out my site cuz i dont want her to hear about my wild weekend sexual romps and time spent in the crack den, its just…weird. yknow? like, i need my space. so if mom is like, THERE, then its like, i dunno. i cant explain it.


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