A Wrinkle In Movies

ABC is airing a movie based on one of my favorite childhood books, A Wrinkle In Time. I had always thought this series of three books (or four, if you count Many Waters which focused on minor characters) would make a wonderful movie trilogy. A Swiftly Tilting Planet, the third book in the series, is definitely my favorite.

So far, the movie is not much like the book, but that’s alright.

3 thoughts on “A Wrinkle In Movies”

  1. My friend Travis was reading a NEWSWEEK interview with Madeleine L’Engle.NEWSWEEK: So you?ve seen the movie?Madeleine L?Engle: I?ve glimpsed it.And did it meet expectations?Oh, yes. I expected it to be bad, and it is.The whole thing is here.

  2. Oh man..I wanted to watch that… I would have if I wasn’t busy…surfing online…reading blogs about how bad it is…


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