Mobile Music

I picked this up for my car:

Now that I’m driving to and from work, I want to listen to my music With this little goodie, I can make MP3 CDs at home and play the tracks in the car in random mode… Even 128 kbps MP3s sound decent on this stereo. I don’t know how they did it, but they managed to make negligible the effects of the typical 16 kHz MP3 drop-off that makes low-bitrate MP3s normally unlistenable to me… or maybe it’s because I have the bass pumped up.

9 thoughts on “Mobile Music”

  1. Yeah, that would help. Also, when you’re listening in the car, there’s so much masking of frequencies due to road noise that you sometimes don’t notice the imperfections that are present in the recordings.

  2. i think jen has one of these toys in her car… me i just have my little disc man… but it sure does the trick. i love having hundreds of songs on one cd. 🙂

  3. Here are just a few reasons off the top of my head why I didn’t want to buy an iPod: First of all, the cheapest iPod is twice the price of the CD player. The theory of, “If you’re going to spend money, why not just spend twice as much?” doesn’t really cut it for me. Second of all, to use the iPod in the car, to the best of my knowledge I’d need a cassette converter, which I have, but I didn’t have a cassette player in the car. Also, I didn’t want an iPod. :>


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