
Let’s say, hypothetically of course, that you send in an application to be on one of those reality make-over shows — one that takes a poor, style deficient schlub and through the use of a lot of “product,” new furniture, and fashion tips, turns him into a sophisticated member of society. Let’s say, hypothetically of course, that someone from the show calls you back and tells you to show up at a casting call, when you arrive to give them your name, and they will know who you are. The big question is do you show up to the casting call all schlub-like or moderately passable as a normal television “real person” type? Hypothetically, of course.

8 thoughts on “Conundrum”

  1. Well, if this particular show has a name that sounds like “Jeer Sigh”, I would say that you should be yourself. Don’t go crazy cleaning yourself up, but don’t intentionally wear a shirt that’s too small or do a lousy job of shaving on the day of the casting call.

    Also, you should bring photos of your furniture that sits on a slant.

  2. M-D is correct. You should be yourself. Now in saying that, consider the fact that you very rarely shave, so I wouldn’t shave for the next few days. Also, I would wear an outfit that you would wear to work. All of your pants are faded and frayed at the bottom. You want to show them what it is you wear on a day to day basis so they see that you are in need of a new wardrobe. Some pictures of the apartment might be good to bring with you.

  3. I would say, for the most part, don’t think about it at all. That’s the whole point. The guys on this show really don’t give any thought to their appearance. If you think about it too much one way or the other, it’s going to appear obvious. Just show up how ever you would have dressed for that day had you not been going.

  4. Here’s a thought. Hypothetically, you should wear what you were wearing when you got the call. That will assure that you don’t give it extra thought. Hypothetically.

  5. *whine* why oh why won’t your comments remember me? I click “yes” to remember my info every time, to no avail. It’s really quite annoying.

    I think Becca’s idea is fabulous.


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